Don’t forget your blessings

I want to take a moment and say ” Thank You”.


I love you all so much for being so sweet to me, even when I post nothing you remind me that the world is a better place if you do want to see the positivity. I love what I do but the dm and your comments  make me appreciate it even more. For those of you who don’t know what my job is , I am a teacher, blogger, activist. I want you to be inspired by the little details of our life and go out there be the best version of ourselves, create the  life that you dreamt for.

I stopped thinking what others might say if I would like to do something, I stopped thinking what my actions will look like, I seek happiness, I follow my heart and gut. Accept the fact that you can’t make everyone else happy and focus on making yourself happy.

I have realised that I have grown so much internally. Now I found the true HAPPINESS, I have gone through many sad things in my life, had so many hard moments but it made me stronger. I am thankful that I met amazing inspiring people, thus I left behind people that did not bring anything good in my life.

But the most important thing is that I have all my family members, I live under a roof, I can eat everyday, I have running water, its winter and I am warm, I have good health, I have so many blessings that I could be here writing for hours and everyone of my friends have the same blessings or even more.










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