

kindness-1014x487Kindness, more than anything, is a state of mind. It’s manifested in action, yeah, but is rooted in patterns of thinking, which then becomes behaviour. So let me ask you one question:

How kind are you? 

How do you present yourself  in tone, online or even in comments? 

When you speak to people ( strangers or those close to you) what’s your tone of voice like there?

Did you ever think how you spoke to someone, and then realize you were rude. I did!


I’ve learned a lot about myself during these past years. I’ve discovered my passion for kindness and writing as well. I’ve met amazing people in the process and been blessed a thousand times over. I’ve been inspired by other writers, who pushed  me to do more with my stories.

See ya…






Want some sweetness?

Hey everyone

Ky muaj ishte shume i gjate thjeshte smbaronte😒 poor ne oren e gjuhes angleze shpesh here nxenesit ne minutat e mbetur kane deshire te shprehin telentin e tyre e un mezi pres ti postoj LOL. Why not??!

Keto dy vajza jane shume te talentuara por qe Klina eshte qytet i vogel nuk kan kurse muzike, mjete e aq me pak te merret qendra rinore me keta thesar⭐️ eyuuu😏

Tashme eshte e ditur qe mezi e presim fundin e javes me ardh me shpejte e shtune-ja e me flejt deri n12, me dal mu knaq. Ja qe per mua fundjava vjen me e embel si mjaltaaa🍯

Ne vijim do i shihni disa 5-6 vjeqar qe posa kan filluar hapat tyre drejt suksesit.

E haaa thjeshte eshtee 1 engull e zbritur nga qielli me qellim te na lumturoj te gjitheve🍒🍒🍒🍒

Ketu perdoret shprehja ” qesi djali sban mo nana”

There is mooore🍇🍇🍇

Arjana me pytjet e saj ” Miss si shkruhet C-ja”

Desha qe permes ketij posti te shperndaj pak miresi me ju. Koha eshte e keqe, njerez jo te mir (dje mi vodhen paret ne bus) Bruhh , pak embelsi do na beje mire te gjitheve ne fund te fundit puna e qetyne po na mban toka😍.

Love you myreaders😘

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