The magical word

Hey everyone!

So past few months I am so into healthy habits, how to have a  productive day, how to be grateful etc. I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts in these topics, based on my experiences, what I´ve learned from people and what I  also read…

In this crazy life, at the end of the day everyone is looking for the same simple thing:


The question is?

Is is simple?

Is it something we need to look for?

Is it something that we can control??

If you are an overthinker like me, the one thing that you must know, is that nothing is “figured out” in a day. We all need to take some baby steps each day into lifting a mood and becoming a healthier and happier person. Things won’t fall into place once you found the love of the life, made x amount of money. You can have everything in the world- but if you lack the peace of mind, you will have nothing, you will not be happy.

We have seen people who seem to be surrounded by blessings and are still unhappy. And also we have seen people who remain optimistic even in the worst circumstances. I saw some of the most joyful people in my life and asked them- what did they do?

The answer is…

  • Decide to be happy
  • Make conscious  decision
  • Be aggressively grateful 
  • Cultivate deep relationships 
  • Find contentment in yourself
  • Nurture your relationship
  • Do not take anything too personally
  • Do not compare yourself
  • Complement the others 



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